Thursday, April 25, 2013

Hi, we're new here!

I just want to start by saying I am NOT a writer. Yeah, I've had the occasional pipe dream of publishing the great American novel, but that was long ago and life took over. But, recently I've been inspired by a few blogger mommies that I think are phenomenal and that's what made me want to do this.
 I just want to share with everyone, and I love to talk, so what you will see here are my random thoughts and the daily occurances, that go along with raising an awesome kid with Asperger's Syndrome. That being said, let me tell you about us.
 My name is Nance, I'm 37 years old and I recently (last February) made the decision to stay at home and homeschool my beautiful boy. My son, Alex (aka: Little Man) is 9, almost 10 and is the light of my life. He is my little quirky genius.(Okay, he's IS really smart, but excuse my bias!) My husband,Jeremy, is a confinement officer for our local jail, and an awesome and dedicated husband and father. We have been married since 2002, together since 1999. He is my soft place to land and my shelter in the storm. Him and God. You will hear alot about God in this blog, so be forewarned. If He's not your thing, you may wanna steer clear of me, because God is the driving force behind EVERYTHING that I do...EVERYTHING!
 This doesn't mean I think I'm perfect, better than ANYONE, or snobbish. It simply means I have a relationship with God through all my trials and errors, and I want to share it with those who want to hear it. It means I make mistakes, but I know where to turn when I need help.
 Our lives are not always easy in this home. I oftentimes feel as if I'm floating through my day in a dream-like state due to severe amounts of sleep deprivation. (If you have a kiddo on the Autism Spectrum, I know you feel me on this, if not, just know Autism mommies don't sleep much, and I'll explain that for sure, in a later post.)
 We eat alot of the same foods everyday, we do the same things often, we go to the same places, we read the same stories, and when schedules must change, for whatever reason,  we implement lists and social stories, just to get through the change without a meltdown. There are things that you and I take for granted, that can easily cause sensory issues for my son, and he will either shutdown, or meltdown. Things most don't even notice, can drive him to a point of complete chaos in his little brain. These times are hard for the whole family, but they do NOT define this us here.
 We also play games together, we cuddle, we listen while being amazed, at the thoughts that come out our son and have come to understand somewhat, how he ticks and it is amazing. We love each other fiercely and with a drive like we never thought possible.
So welcome to our world, and I hope to share with you our journey, and that we can all learn something along the way! God Bless.

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